Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Welcome to Becky from MWA....

Hi everyone,

Many of you will have played MWA1 by now.  I am keen to add images to this and future games, and they are starting to happen. Please welcome Becky to the AIF world…

There are more images on my website as well as a link to my new Patreon page.  Oh dear, another Patreon page!  Why Patreon?  Well, I have found that it costs a lot for the 3D content I need to make the dozens of images that I want to put into each game.  My games are free; if you like them and want to say thanks or just help out, a small donation via my Patreon page will help me to pay for the graphics stuff and I can make the games more enjoyable.

Hope you like Becky.  Next will be the lovely Jo.


PS: Becky says see you later...

Saturday, 3 September 2016

AIF Minifest 2016

Updated 9/5:
Unfortunately, there were no organizers for the traditional AIF Minicomp this year and last year, so an alternative event was held instead, the AIF Minifest and Writing Salon. Instead of the traditional Minicomp author gladiator battles put on for the amusement of the readers, the Minifest was designed as a communal space for authors where they could get together to support each other as they wrote some games and released them at the end. Although there was a lot of creative story ideas generated by many authors at the beginning, only two games were completed by the end. You can trace the development process of these works as part of the AIF Writing Salon.

The two games that are being released as part of the Minifest are

First Date by Seattleman 
After hitting it off with the lovely Katherine on an online dating site, you are going to meet her for a first date at Benscamo's Cafe.

Note (9/30): To play ADRIFT games, you need to run the ADRIFT interpreter program. Then, open the .taf file in that program. To find out where to download an ADRIFT interpreter, please consult the AIF FAQ.


Mrs. Harrow and the Rake by Lost Trout
HTML (Twine)
Seduce Mrs. Harrow as a Victorian era rake.