Thursday, 30 April 2015

Hi again. Here's a world exclusive!

Hi again,

Here's a world exclusive! A picture of the main female character in the game that I am currently not writing. Make of that what you will.




  1. "Make of that what you will."

    Really? In that case I choose to believe that you've got fresh sequels written for every game you've ever made, and they're all set for release this weekend. I won't be convinced otherwise.

    Good job, writing all of that must have been hard work.

    1. And on top of that I'm assuming that whatever's strung around her neck is probably enchanted and will glow with magical power, because that's always how those kind of things seem to play out.

    2. Oh, that's always the way.

      Actually, she's the child of The Captain and the succubus from GoP3, who has come to live in our reality, but she is being hunted by the daughter of The Princess and Farek across the dimensions.

      That's totally untrue, of course. But I would play that game!

  2. Perhaps we should write the game, right here in the comments? It'll be like a chain letter

  3. The picture is beautiful, but the string around the neck is strange when meet the shirt.
    If possible can you fulfill a my curiosity ?
    I have read your post in which you released a short comic strip "The Haunting of Kristen", unfortunately when I began to immerse in this world (after having played gift of phallius 3) the link was already dead.
    At this point I don't think that I will ever read it, but at least can you tell me a bit of the story, please ?
    I have searched it for a long time before giving up and even this will be a good outcome for me.


    1. Actually, I was looking for "The Haunting of Kristen" myself the other day, as I have none of it left (I only have my data up to The Photoshoot - everything else is gone, and I couldn't extract any of it from my erased hard drive. So - if anyone has it I wouldn't mind a copy either!

    2. I have also thought that was too recent to be in your found hard disk, for this I had asked for the story, but maybe you will be more lucky to find someone that has still it (I would find strange that It hadn't been downloaded by many people)
      I can understand that one doesn't share, because it's not sure of the author's will, but if you ask it's different
      I remember that truemechasonic had released a unofficial patch for SD3 fixing some errors, but when people had speaked of the possibility of change some aspects of the game consensus had been that this wasn't right without Goblinboy' consent, and nothing had been done.
      In any case if you are interested this is the link of the changelog


    3. I've just sent you (GB) a copy of "The Haunting of Kristen" that I had on my laptop.

    4. It seemed strange that no one preserved a copy, also Marc Timon said to have sent a copy some posts below, but from you GB wanted especially a copy of the prologue section of the never realized game you could have a sneak peek (naturally only if you didn't delete that).

  4. So who's writing it, AW? DEL? :)

    1. Hell, if GB just sent me a bunch of plot points, characters and pictures I'd be tempted to write the games for him.

    2. Hmm, the plot thickens. Can't wait to hear more.

    3. Nobody else is writing it. :) I just meant that before I left I was partway through a game - something that probably wouldn't be called College Dreams 1. I had written a reasonable amount (ABomire had a sneak preview of the prologue section, which was why I was trying to contact him - to see if he still had it, as I do not) but it was threatening to spiral and spiral out of control (as is my way). Anyway, all that got lost. I have since replotted it somewhat, to make it a little tighter and coherent, although it is still threatening to spiral out of control - it depends how branching I let the plot be. In fact, almost none of the content and events I wrote before me departure are actually in the game anymore...

      So, I sort of have a plot. So I made a picture of (one of the) leading ladies. She looks a bit different than she did in the original version, but I like her. I'll probably create the rest of girls, just because.

      None of which means I am actually going to create the game. Just that I have the building blocks.

    4. Another game from you would be awesome, but I think to speak for all when I say that all will be happy even only to continue to see you here around even if you won't release ever another game.
      You have already given so much that can be enough for the rest of your life.


    5. "ABomire had a sneak preview of the prologue section, which was why I was trying to contact him"

      Did you manage to get in contact with him? He posted to aifarchive in March, so he's still around and his email address hasn't changed (according to his website anyway).

  5. "Make of that what you will."

    I make of that that you are a tease!

    But it's great to see that you are alive and well (*plays Meteor again*.)

  6. Is it just me, or, is the thing around her neck hidden under her shirt? And, what everyone thinks they see, is actually laces, that do the top up??

    1. I really must stop pissing on other peoples fireworks!!

    2. Yes, the necklace is going under her top. What you can see at the top of her shirt are laces. Actually, the necklace doesn't properly go under the top - there is overlap. That is because it is a rough picture that I didn't bother to do any postwork on :) There were a couple more pictures of her that I included in the post, but then took out again. Because of reasons.

  7. You know, GB if you ever started writing games again...

    You could start a Patreon. A lot of writers, arists, and developers making adult content are doing it now (BBBen has one too!), and many of them are getting quite a lot of money from it.

    1. Nah. It's never been about money. In fact I actively don't want any money. But good luck to those who do.

    2. Money changes people. I have played music for nearly 40 years and always enjoyed it. But getting paid for it, slowlystarts taking the FUN out of it.

      GB: Sent you my unopened copy of Haunting of Kristen. Your "Shadow Dance" bounced.

  8. Oh, wild mass guessing time. Its becky's sister who is secretly related to Melissa and Alison!

    Probably not.

    1. and her name is Karen... apparently ;)

  9. GoblinBoy you should come back making video games... throw them on Patreon and make a living doing it ;) A lot of us would happily pay for your games and your time! /C

  10. He has already written above that he hadn't written for money, even more he actively don't want any money. He would have been interesting to see how much support he could have, but this can only be hid decision, and he doesn't want.


  11. I'm gonna hazard a guess as it were that this is somewhat like bad sister in which you helped another AIF writer by providing images for their work? Of course I don't know but it's always possible. Either that or you are making a game but you didn't write the story for it and this is an image related to said game which you will publish???

    Damnit boy you're confusing me :T

  12. No, as I said above, this is a character from a game I have worked out the plot to but have not actually written the game, and maybe never will. But I made pictures of the character just because I wanted to. I have also just made pictures of her younger sister who plays a pivotal role in the game. She is rather hot ;)

    1. Just a quick question(s). You use Daz 3D and I use Poser, we all get stuck in our ways, and feel safe in our own environment. I was just wondering, have you ever tried Poser? Or any other 3D program come to that?
      Your a bit of a legend in TADS 2 also. Have you ever looked at other programing, like Tads 3 or Inform?
      And finally. To a new author, like myself, how do you set your the structure of a game? Do you stick it?
      Maybe not such a quick question after all.

    2. Ahh i see *scrolled up* ^_^; Well, one can only hope you one day get bored and have time on your hands. For that is where the mind gets fidgety >_>

      I'm curious if you plan to become somewhat more active on the scene in the future? Not really as a content provider but possibly taking more of an advisory role (maybe assets provider to other authors) in the future?

    3. I briefly tried Poser, but it seemed like just another thing to learn when I was getting everything I wanted out of Daz. Poser *might* be better if you were a professional artist or something (it might not... I really don't know) but Daz was free and I knew how to use it and it worked well for my purposes. Poser didn't seem to offer anything better for extra cost and more learning.

      I briefly looked at Tads 3 (I wrote a short game called Ghost in Tads 3 which was mainly to help test a new library someone was making). Again, it seemed like a big learning curve for little obvious gain at the time. I had spent years honing my Tads skills and creating resources and Tads 3 was different enough that a lot of them would be wasted or need hours of work to convert them.
      As for the structure of a game... I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the question. The 'sructure' of my games varies a lot depending on the game. But I usually have a fairly complete outline of the plot and branch points and things like that. Then I split them up into sections and start writing. So, on GoP2 I had a chapter structure and I wrote each chapter in turn as almost a mini game, but with variables that carried through all the chapters. With SD3 I had the various days and I wrote a day at a time, all the different actions and possibilities for that day. I had a different .t file for each character and each day. All throughout the process, though, I was open to changing things - although you always need to examine each change carefully, especially if you are a good way through the game, as the knock-on effects of changing one thing can echo throughout all sorts of other sections of the game. So change with caution.

      I hope those went some way to answering your questrions.


  13. Hey goblinboy.
    It's really great to read and hear from you.
    You are by far the best writer and game maker.
    Hopefully you're doing a whole lot of new games. SD4-10, Meteor2-10, GoP4-10 and complete new projects that we don't know yet.

    We are also a small fanclub, consisting of 11 people, of such games and you are our alltime legend like Zinedine Zidane.

    Austria <3 you

    1. Yeah.... no. Sorry. I appreciate the enthusiam though :)
