Wednesday, 30 September 2015

SNEEZE Comp Open Until October 1st, 12:00 PM, EST

Just to let everyone know this is the final day to submit an entry to SNEEZECOMP. Please email me at [my screen name] with your entry. I realize neglected to give a cut-off time, so I'll accept entries until 12:00 PM October 1st, Eastern Standard Time.

If you emailed me and didn't get a response within 12 hours, you might have typed in my email wrong. Don't put any spaces between Another and Wannabe.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

You can now support Palaverous on patreon!

I love how these pitches tend to sound like they’re delivering such good news. “You can give me money now! Weeeeeee~!”

But yes, due to unpleasant meatspace circumstances I will not ruin your afternoon with, I’m finding myself more and more in a situation where I can’t really afford to turn my nose at possible alternative sources of income, especially if it’s for doing something I actually enjoy doing. I have coded and written essentially everything I’ve ever done in the scarce spare time I have between two jobs, and that spare time is getting smaller and smaller as of late. As I do not plan to use 3D modelling tools, at least in the near future, the donations are not for the sake of upgrading any sort of equipment but rather relieving some of the stress and pressure I’m under to help me focus on the games. This stuff takes time to write, but I also need to get into a specific mood and mindset to do that and few things kill that mood like wondering if I shouldn't be worrying about other things instead.

As you can see me repeating on the page itself, I would be extremely grateful if you could spare a buck for a humble storytelling internet hobo over at my patreon page.

Thank you.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

No Sleep Till SNEEZE Comp

Just a reminder that the end of SNEEZE Comp is one month away. The DEADLINE is September 30th. I'm eagerly waiting to see what everyone comes up with!

And so, either one of these statements is true:

1) There has been a flood of incredible, creative, sexy submissions for SNEEZE Comp.

2) There have been none so far.

Assuming statement #1 is true, then surely you don't want to be left out!

Assuming statement #2 is true, anyone who submits anything is sure to win! Glory to you!

Either way, have fun!

Submit entries to [my screen name here]

Discovering our roots

I come here every single day, and now I'm absolutely sick and tired of seeing my own post at the top of the page asking you guys to give me money so I can keep making games. 

As a result, I started thinking about something else I could contribute to this wonderful community. Then I remembered someone posting a link to a documentary in the Yahoo group about interactive fiction a few years back. I can't remember who originally posted it, and due to the horrible concept and design of Yahoo, the post was most likely quickly buried by some other thread before it received it's fair share of attention. 

The documentary, directed by Jason Scott, details the history of the main genre that we've all come to love; interactive fiction. It's based on roughly 80 interviews conducted over several years, and primarily focuses on the beginnings of the genre, and the problems authors face when creating these kinds of games. It's perhaps even more interesting for creators of IF, as we can identify with some of the issues faced when creating these games (Oh god, puzzles!), but I definitely think it's worth checking out even if you enjoy any sub-genre of interactive fiction, including adult interactive fiction.

We, (The AIF community), are actually also mentioned as a joke during the Q&A! 

So, without further ado, here it is; Get Lamp.