Wednesday, 30 September 2015

SNEEZE Comp Open Until October 1st, 12:00 PM, EST

Just to let everyone know this is the final day to submit an entry to SNEEZECOMP. Please email me at [my screen name] with your entry. I realize neglected to give a cut-off time, so I'll accept entries until 12:00 PM October 1st, Eastern Standard Time.

If you emailed me and didn't get a response within 12 hours, you might have typed in my email wrong. Don't put any spaces between Another and Wannabe.


  1. At last, we have a post, not asking for money!! I have no problem with those by the way, just the amount of time they stay here!! Hope you got some entries. sincerely , I do.

  2. How many submissions have been entered so far?

    1. I'll let that be a surprise! Hint: it's not 0.

    2. I've played one of them, at least.

    3. Regardless, thank's for the initiative! Looking forward to playing the game(s).
