Monday, 25 January 2016

AIF Game List update

Just to let everyone know, AIF Community Newsletter Games List has been updated from 354 games on July 3, 2013 to 394 games as of January 24, 2016. 41 games were added, one was deleted. Also, with the loss of the aifgames site, many of the links had to be rehabilitated, so hopefully links will be good for a while.

I took the liberty of changing the default sort to descending date so that the most recent games are near the top. Assuming you have javascript turned on, you can still click on the headers and re-sort by title, author, or even the various content classifications. If I inadvertently left an important AIF game off the list, let me know. I plan to do a touch-up to the list around Valentine's Day. Also, if any data point on this list needs addition or correction, you can email garyplume on standard yahoo domain with the title of the game and the updated info.

Things already on my to-do list for the Valentine's update:
Another Friday Part 2 link is broken
Briar version 2 link is broken
In Darkness pictorial version link is broken
Leather Goddesses of Phobos link is broken
Maybe disaggregate the minicomp games into discrete downloads

Gary Plume


  1. tip of the hat to you sir!

  2. As the original post doesn't include a link:

  3. Thanks. I forgot to include the link in this post, but I was happy to see it on the right sidebar "Where to get AIF" -GP

  4. Happy the list finally is getting updated, but i do question the appearance of Himeros Hotel on it? While the game in its current form is playable its far from finished and gets updates quite often. Also the sex topics mention are far from ready, there is f/f, orgy, bdsm or incest in it (yet).

    1. There's also the fact that the version linked to is out of date, and it's far from clear that the author gave permission for it to be reposted.

      It would probably be better to link to the author's website.

    2. I will amend the link to the author's Patreon page.-GP

  5. I noticed I have a broken link. Whom should I contact?

    Specifically Briar V.2 link should be

    1. I had set up a link at aifcommunity archive, but if you prefer ifarchive mirror, I will update this around Valentine's Day. -GP

    2. I'll try it again and see if the link is still broken. Doesn't matter to me, as long as it works! :)
