Friday, 5 May 2017

2017 Mini-comp Announcement

The AIF community is having a mini-competition of small adult games. The Mini-comp is intended to inspire authors to write small, simple games for community to enjoy. The rules of the Mini-comp are designed to limit the scope and sizes of the games to make it easier for both new authors and experienced authors to finish their games.

Here are the rules of the 2017 Mini-comp (they are somewhat modified from the previous 2014 Mini-comp):
  • To limit the sizes of games, the more interactive characters that your game has, the fewer rooms it can have.
    • If your game has 4 interactive characters, including the player-character(s), your game can have up to 2 rooms
    • If your game has 3 interactive characters, including the player-character(s), your game can have up to 4 rooms
    • If your game has 2 interactive characters, including the player-character(s), your game can have up to 8 rooms
    • If your game has only one interactive character (the player-character), your game can have up to 16 rooms 
    • In some cases, the room limitations are quite generous. Do not feel obligated for your game to have the maximum number of rooms allowed
  • No playable part of your game can have been released to the public before the deadline. You are free to discuss the game publicly before the deadline. As a convenience, you can do so at this design discussion blog post, or feel free to do so elsewhere.
  • Multimedia is permitted (images and sounds), but try to keep the size of the game small so that it is easy to e-mail and download
  • Your game must be winnable (or at least it must have an ending the the player can reach)

2017 Mini-comp: Design Discussion

During the Minicomp 2017, authors are allowed to openly discuss their games at all times as long as they do not release any playable parts of their games before the deadline.

Do you want to get feedback on your game idea? Do you need help shrinking your ideas down to fit the minicomp restrictions? Do you just want to discuss your design with others?

Feel free to discuss things either here in the comments of this post or elsewhere.

If you are posting a comment anonymously, it is useful if you tag the comment with a nickname so that other people know who it is