Here are the rules of the 2017 Mini-comp (they are somewhat modified from the previous 2014 Mini-comp):
- To limit the sizes of games, the more interactive characters that your game has, the fewer rooms it can have.
- If your game has 4 interactive characters, including the player-character(s), your game can have up to 2 rooms
- If your game has 3 interactive characters, including the player-character(s), your game can have up to 4 rooms
- If your game has 2 interactive characters, including the player-character(s), your game can have up to 8 rooms
- If your game has only one interactive character (the player-character), your game can have up to 16 rooms
- In some cases, the room limitations are quite generous. Do not feel obligated for your game to have the maximum number of rooms allowed
- No playable part of your game can have been released to the public before the deadline. You are free to discuss the game publicly before the deadline. As a convenience, you can do so at this design discussion blog post, or feel free to do so elsewhere.
- Multimedia is permitted (images and sounds), but try to keep the size of the game small so that it is easy to e-mail and download
- Your game must be winnable (or at least it must have an ending the the player can reach)