Sunday, 21 January 2018

No Real McCoy This Week

Hey everyone,

Unfortunately I'm a bit under the weather so I don't think I'll be managing a post for Real McCoy this week; probably for the best really since we didn't have a particularly huge response in the surveys anyway, so this will give people who haven't had a chance to respond a little more time. Just reopened the survey, so have at it. See you all next week (hopefully)!


Edit: Feeling a little better so I may take some time to draft out some basic parts of the story for this upcoming week. I'd sort of like to go a bit larger with this post (ideally double the length of the usual) to make up for missing last week but I haven't seen much response and we are in the middle of a multiple-way tie that really probably needs to be resolved. I'd really rather not do another random thing (sorry, not feeling another spin the bottle scene) so I'm playing with some fallback ideas but I'd hate to take the choice out of the reader's hands.

Anyone out there who hasn't responded yet, this may be your time to shine; pretty much anyone responding at this point would be breaking things up so there's a good chance the next person to complete the survey will decide the events of the next post ...


  1. Maybe you could stop posting about it permanently? Maybe set up your own blog for people who want to read about whatever it is you're doing. This is an AIF blog and your relentless off-topic posts are killing it.

    1. I agree, set up your own blog and add it to the sidebar, whenever you update it the posts will show up there. Quit monopolizing this blog for your own stuff

    2. Fair point, I suppose, though I think you mean 'frequently' first poster. Considering that it has been four months or so since anyone other than me actually posted anything here I'm not certain that I see the issue myself.

      Honestly I'd much prefer that I felt that was the case. I started posting things here (and elsewhere) in the hopes of drawing interest, which in turn I hoped would draw others to post things too. Given the dying nature of the community I would have thought some activity would be better than none ... but hell, if everyone feels I'm disrupting things here I'll stop posting about things here. Anyone else want to weigh in?

    3. Personally, I say keep going if you're getting enjoyment from it.

    4. It's a fair point that the community has been pretty dead otherwise, in light of that I guess I don't have any problem aside from that people coming here might assume this is a forum strictly for your games.

    5. For tidiness reasons, it might be good to stick to one blog post a month unless you have something really important to announce. You could reuse older posts again and again for minor information announcements. That way the blog is reserved for longer, deeper content while the subreddit and Yahoo! group can be used for general announcements and discussion. I'm a little worried about setting a precedent that entices patreon people to start making weekly update posts to the blog, which would really dilute the blog's usefulness.

    6. Hmm, alright, some good ideas in there. I was also debating just releasing once per month for each of my stories, which I could do in the same blog post. The pace wasn't too bad doing 3 releases a month during certain points in the year but it's been wearing me down a little more than I suspected it would; 4 to 8 hours of writing at least the day I post and usually a good few during the week storyboarding possible ideas based on how the surveys look.

      I'll circle back and clean up some of the old posts actually, may be a while though. Had some hardware issues (the reason I haven't released anything, been dealing with that), limping along for the moment but it hasn't been great. Guess I can't complain though, just realized my machine has used mostly the same parts since I started writing The Test. =\

      May be on a brief hiatus while I sort out the new release/post structure and get the hardware issues taken care of.

  2. If no one else is posting then you might as well use it.

    Still should consider making your own blog.
