The AIF minicomp is back! The minicomp is a mini-competition of small adult text-based games. Make a game, submit it to the minicomp, and the AIF community will play them and judge them.
This year, the minicomp will use a relaxed set of rules:
- No interactive sex scenes are allowed. Non-interactive sex scenes are allowed in the game, and there are no restrictions on the number or content of these non-interactive sex scenes
- No multimedia or graphics are allowed
- The game must be winnable (or at least it must have an ending that the player can reach)
- No playable part of your game can have been previously released to the public before August 25
The purpose of the rules is to make it easier for authors to create games by disallowing complicated interactive sex scenes. During sex scenes, players cannot be presented with any choices over what happens and players cannot be allowed to issue any commands. Before a sex scene starts, players can be given choices about what will happen, but once it begins, players should not be able to influence or interact with the scene until it ends. This restriction means that authors do not need to design any sex mechanics for their games, and they do not need to use any special sex engines or sex frameworks in creating their games.
Although games with multimedia and graphics are generally not allowed, if your game requires graphical or audio elements as part of its interface, such elements are acceptable.
Submission Procedure
The deadline for submitting a game is the end of the day of November 1, 2022 November 15, 2022. This deadline will likely be extended to November 15 or later if authors need extra time to finish their entries.
Send your entry by e-mail to losttrout AT gmail DOT com . In the
interest of avoiding viruses, it is preferred if you send game
interpreter files or HTML files instead of binary executable files.
Submitted games will be judged by an online vote. The voting procedure
will be determined after the submission deadline, but the games will be
judged in these categories:
Concept: Is it a good idea for a mini-comp game? Does it work well
with the set limits? Does it feel complete or more like a game fragment?
(Games that do not satisfy the rules of the minicomp should be
penalized in this category.)
Writing: How well-written is it? Do the settings have the atmosphere that the author seems to be after?
Characters: Do the characters 'come to life'? How sexy are they?
Sex: How hot are the sex scenes?
Technical: How many bugs are there? What neat tricks did the author invent?
Enjoyment: How much did you like the game?
Additional Details
Although the rules for this year's minicomp are well-suited for sex-romp games, there is no expectation that authors will actually create sex romp games. Other styles of AIF games also fit within the rules and are expected in the competition.
If you want to build a sex romp where a knight has to save three elf princesses, each of whom decide to reward him personally afterwards, that is fine. If you would rather build a game around a monogamous couple who want to have sex in every room of their old school during a class reunion, that is also fine. If you want to make a "one night with..." game where you try to win over a single character and have sex with them at the end of the game, that's fine as well. The rules allow for love triangles too, such as where a chosen one must choose between loving a vampire or a werewolf.
Feel free to discuss your ideas with others. You can share your ideas and designs in the comments of this blog post or you can discuss in the #minicomp channel of the AIF Discord.
If you are posting a comment anonymously, it is useful if you tag the comment with a nickname so that other people know who it is
Right now, I'm thinking about two ideas for possible entries. One is a tiny open world sandbox where you're essentially on vacation at a beach town and having fun. The other idea involves a woman who wants to get married, but her boyfriend thinks she's too sexually timid for him and he's worried that he would be unsatisfied with married life with her. So they decide to go on a break so he can think it over. During the break, she finds some sealed envelopes. Inside the envelopes are sexual challenges, like "have a one night stand." Is she adventurous enough to complete the challenges? Will completing the challenges convince her boyfriend to marry her?
ReplyDeleteThe minicomp deadline has been extended to November 15.