Saturday, 1 March 2014

This month in AIF (February 2014)

February saw the release of 2014's first AIF game, Study Date by Karrek. It's been very postively received so in the unlikely event that you haven't played it yet, I encourage you to check it out. The game is being discussed (including links to the latest version) at the following locations:

Archer Fifteen has also announced that he has a new game in development, X-Men: Amnesia. You can find all the details at THK has also released an updated version of his 2012 game Another Friday Party 2.

On the technical side of things, Another Wannabe has released a new version of his AIF Toolkit extension for Inform 7. Details can be found at

As far as this blog goes, there were thirteen posts in February, and the blog got 25,918 pageviews. Overlooked AIF Games 2 and the Study Date thread led the charge with more than a thousand pageviews each. 

If there's anything else newsworthy that we've missed, please leave a comment below. And if you'd like author access, send an email to and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. Well, I did finally update 'Another Friday Party 2' but it's an old game so whatever, lol!

    1. Sorry, I forgot about that. Let me know if you'd like a post set up for it, or author access.

    2. No, it's okay. Maybe another time.
