Friday, 18 August 2017

2017 AIF Minicomp: Two More Weeks

This is just a reminder that there are two more weeks before the AIF minicomp deadline.


  1. Is this a hard deadline? I know it has already been extended but is there any allowance for late entries?

    I'm working on an entry and I think I'm going to finish in time, but I also think that I should realistically expect things to take about 50% longer than I actually estimate.

    1. There is a bit of leeway after the deadline in that it will take me at least a couple of days to figure out how to setup a voting system and make all the games available for download. That's it though in terms of getting entries officially into the voting.

      If you miss getting into the Minicomp voting, you can always release the game yourself. At that point, I can give your game a shout-out in Mini-comp posts even though it isn't in the voting.

  2. Lost Trout, if you don't mind me asking; how many submissions have there been this year thus far? Really looking forward to this!

    1. I assume he won't know till the deadline. Mine's done, but I'm not sending it in till the last minute because I have time to test more.

      It might not be a bad idea for him to poll for intents - the way IFComp does. You submit an "intent" to enter a game before the deadline so the organizers can plan things out. Then with IFComp the intents close a month before and if your intent isn't in, you cannot enter the contest.

    2. I haven't received any yet, but I don't expect to receive any until the day of the deadline.

      I playtested one game a while ago which was a lot of fun. I saw a different game go through playtesting on the Reddit. And Hanon's game is done. So I expect at least three submissions.

      I've been distracted by playing with Newlife custom scenes, but I might be able to get something ready in time for the deadline too.

  3. I'm still working... but sadly, it looks like I'm not going to have much time to get it through QA - so my apologies in advance!

  4. Is the deadline end of day? What time zone?

    1. Just try to send me your submission in the next couple of days or so. I'm not a stickler for deadlines. I'll need a few days anyway to figure out where to put the downloads and how to set up a voting system, so just try to get me something before I get around to releasing the games.

  5. Submitted my game, It works but I can't help but think of how much of its potential I have missed. I hope you all get a laugh out of it.

    1. You can always make an improved version, think about last horizon from goblinboy.
