Friday, 30 June 2017

2017 Mini-Comp Reminder

This is just a reminder that the deadline for the mini-comp is coming up! There's only one month until the end of July. At least one person has made enough progress on their game that they are looking for playtesters.

One month is usually enough time to create a small game. But when we get closer to the end of July, the deadline can be extended if authors think they could use some extra time.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out. July is a busy month for me, in general, but I fully expect to have a game ready to roll by the end of it.

    1. Don't stress out too much about trying to finish by the end of July. The minicomp deadline is normally pushed back by a couple of weeks or even a month depending on how much time authors need to finish up what they're working on.

  2. I have a game mostly finished, I just need to add a couple more sexy bits and do a spell check. July is a pretty busy time for me but I'm doing me best to get it finished.
