Sunday, 2 February 2014

The month in AIF (January 2014)

January was a fairly quiet month for AIF. Two games (Magician's Nephew by Mr Flibble, and Emily: Sister Attraction by Palmer) are in beta testing. Two other games (Erin's Rescue by Scion of Eros, and Friends and Yearnings by Lost Trout) have been announced.

As far as this blog goes, there were ten posts in January, getting 6814 pageviews. There have been some discussions on the open thread regarding what this blog should be called, and what it should look like. At the moment "AIF Central" seems to be the most popular title. If you have any suggestions, head over there and leave a comment.

If there's anything else newsworthy that we've missed, please leave a comment below. And if you'd like author access, send an email to and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. I really like the new look, much better than the default theme.

    One suggestion I have is if there's a way to make the longer posts only show the first couple paragraphs on the main page, like most news blogs do. It can be mildly annoying to have to scroll past a huge post to get to one below it, so showing just the beginning would let people decide if they want to click through to the actual post.

    1. I wonder if there's a way to collapse the Player's Guide and the FAQ and then somehow sticky them.

    2. I've added jump breaks to the Player's Guide and the FAQ, so you don't see the whole thing on the front page.

      I could also add them to the links on the right hand side, but I don't want that to get too crowded.

  2. I stumbled upon AIF looking for erotic fiction about a month ago. Being a child in the 1980's when text adventure games and 8 bit graphics we new, this brought me some nostalgia. Pondering doing some writing but not sure if I can figure out the flowchart to get it all to work correctly. Been tracking Palmer lately waiting for ESA like a 5 year old waiting in the dining room at a table you made him/her sit at while you get them a cookie.

    1. If you're discovering AIF now, there's a fairly big back catalogue to work your way through if you feel so inclined. What sort of thing tickles your fancy?
